HOPE Support Services is a Charitable organisation dedicated to working collaboratively with individuals from all walks of life. We empower individuals to make positive changes in their lives.
HOPE Support Services work one on one with individuals and\or families in their homes, in their placements, and within the community.
HOPE Support Services work from the HOPE Adapted Integrated Framework (HAIF), based on the work of Kim Golding’s ‘Pyramid of Need’; the foundation focusing on safety and relationships. It is skills and evidence based in its application, incorporating a therapeutic approach with Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, PLACE, and Trauma and Attachment principles. The HAIF is flexible in being able to work alongside other frameworks/practices, acknowledging that organisations work from different platforms.
Hope Adapted Integrated Framework
Explore Trauma, Mourn Losses
Resilience and Resources
Empathy and Reflection
Feeling Safe
Developing Relationships
Comfort & Co-Regulation
Explore Trauma, Mourn Losses:
Is the individual ready to explore their experiences of trauma/mourn loss? Do support staff and Stakeholders understand trauma and its impact on behaviours?
HOPE Support Staff will engage in Life Space Interviews with a view to assist in learning new coping skills. HOPE Support Staff link individuals in with appropriate clinical services as needed.
Resilience and Resources (Self Esteem and Identity):
Is the individual starting to accept being seen and heard positively? Are they exploring who they are? Are support staff feeling positive/confident in their roles/abilities?
HOPE Support Staff build on strengths and skills, engaging individuals in programs and activities that assist individuals to reach their goals. Mentoring and role modelling.
Empathy and Reflection (Managing Behaviour in Relation to Others):
Is the individual able to think about other peoples feelings and understand impacts of their behaviours? Are support staff aware of their feelings when crisis occurs?
HOPE Support Staff employ TCI strategies and the PACE model in order to help individuals learn alternatives to conflict, understand and connect feelings to behaviours, and recognise the cues of others. Mentoring and role modelling.
Comfort & Co-Regulation (Eliciting Care from Relationships):
Is the individual feeling safe and trusting enough to express needs and seek support from support staff/guardians/carers/practitioners/clinician? Are caregivers available and attuned?
HOPE Support Staff role model appropriate responses and the importance of active listening and availability/connection to the individual. A focus on reflective responses to support the individual to be heard and engage with collaborative problem solving. Education of the importance of positive attachments.
Developing Relationships:
Is the individual forming attachments? Do they recognise that people care, or do they see people as leaving/unstable/no chance to say goodbye? Are support staff/caregivers responding with positive reinforcement and giving praise?
HOPE Support Staff educate caregivers/parents/stakeholders about the importance of attachment and attunement. Use of the REAL approach with a focus on engagement and activities to build trust in relationships and avoid conflict through alternatives.
Feeling Safe (Physically and Emotionally):
Is the individual feeling safe? Are their basic needs being met; clothing, food, shelter? Are caregivers/parents/stakeholders equipped with the tools to provide a stable base?
HOPE Support Staff teach Life Skills (REAL approach) to manage the environment and assist in setting a secure foundation in the home or placement, with priority on structure and routine for safety and consistency. Health/nutrition, community access/supports and education/employment needs are addressed. In the case of Outreach, support staff ensure individuals are having their needs met and are linked in with relevant services.