Our Services
HOPE Support Services is flexible in working to meet the needs of individual cases through our
four key areas of service; Home Support, Outreach Support, Placement Support, and Engagement Support.
On Call Support and Crisis Response is also an integral part of our service delivery.

What does Hope do?
We offer many services. Some of these services include (but not limited to):
Residential Placements
Intensive Family Support
Trauma-informed education and coaching
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention
Supervised contact facilitation
Transport assistance
Comprehensive Reporting
Tailored Support Plans (TSP)
Role Modeling
Narrative Therapy
Activity\Adventure based Therapy
Attendance at Meetings
Consultation and Collaboration
Associated Psychologists
Available 24\7 On Call Assistance (after hours if requested)
Home Support:
Hope Support Staff work with Young People and\or families in their homes. Support is provided via tailored and specific plans, with a view to implementing strategies, building skills to provide stability, repairing relationships, and sustaining the family unit. Hope Support can also link families with one of our associated Psychologists where necessary.
Outreach Support:
Hope Support Staff work with young people who are frequently absconding or disengaged from their placements. Hope Support Outreach Workers ‘go to’ the young person, meeting with them to ensure basic needs such as food, medical, and general welfare are being met. Hope Support Staff can link these individuals with any necessary networks such as Centrelink, Doctors, counselling, work experience, and can transport as is needed to any important appointments (Youth Justice, job seeking, medical etc.).
Placement Support:
Hope Support Services is a Licenced Care Provider with several Residential Placements across Australia. Our experienced and qualified teams also work with Foster, Kinship, and other Residential placements, as well as Semi to Independent Living placements. Similar to Home Support, Hope Support Staff work in the homes with the individuals, taking a holistic approach to addressing areas of stress or concern that are preventing the placement from being a positive environment for all parties involved.
Engagement Support:
Hope Support Staff role model and actively participate with individuals to engage or re-engage in new or current placements and\or programmes. Hope Support Staff focus on building resilience, skill development, and linking individuals with appropriate and sustainable support networks.